Portfolio - Jakub Wochniak
Software/ Data/ AI Engineer
Welcome to my Portfolio page. I am Jakub, a creative and aspiring programmer with a strong passion for coding.

I am currently a full time university student at Ravensbourne University London studying Creative Computing as well as undertaking an online course by Meta in database engineering. I have just finished my university course and am eager to step into the industry and gain valuable experience through an Internship/ part-time job opportunity within the data and artificial intelligence sectors.

The benefit of a university like Ravensbourne is that its hands-on technical approach allows its students to learn both theory and practicality together resulting in me already having many projects to show for myself and display my skill-set.

Here are some of the projects that I've worked on...

Employee & Work Management system - Windows Forms App

September 2023 - December 2023

My latest and most enjoyable project involved me creating a windows form app that allowed the user to login, perform CRUD operations regarding employees and their work as well as analysing performance between employees. I wanted to utilize as many things as possible that I learnt from my SQL course to show to myself how far I've come since starting it.

Skills Used/Learnt:
- C#
- Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
- Database Normalization

Python/ SSMS/ SQL/ YOLOv8 -
BetterFarm - A farming app using YOLOv8 Object Detection to improve farming globaly

January 2024 - May 2024

My most advanced project yet, an app using python and tkinter to create a tomato ripeness detection and tomato leaf disease system using YOLOv8 AI which guided farmers to areas of highest ripeness density and warned them of potential disease presence. The aim was to help improve farming efficiencies globaly as well as help minimize crop loss through diseases.

Skills Used/Learnt:
- Python
- Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
- YOLOv8
- CNN's
- Open CV
- Matplotlib

Front & Back end web-based Restaurant

January 2023 - May 2023

One of my most technically complex projects up to date, I was able to create an online fast food restaurant front end using ReactJS & TailwindCSS and connected it to my AWS back end using Axios. In just a month I went from almost no ReactJS and AWS knowledge to being quite happy with my skills using them.

Skills Used/Learnt:
- Python
- ReactJS
- TailwindCSS
- AWS Lambda
- AWS DynamoDB
- AWS Cloudwatch
- AWS API Gateway

Artificial Neural Networks - Breast Cancer Classification AI

September 2022 - December 2022

My most intellectually advanced project was learning how to digitally re-create a human neuron and how we would implement that into usefull applications. One such application required me to create an AI capable of classifying whether a tumor cell was cancerous or not based on 30 different measurements through the use of machine learning. My AI was able to succesffuly classify 93.3% of cases.

Skills Used/Learnt:

- Python Anaconda
- Pandas
- ANN Clustering Classification
- Machine Learning

Software Design & Architecture -
Raspberry Pi Licence plate detection (email system)

September 2022 - December 2022

This course particularly focused more on the proper form of how to design and structure code rather than writing. From this I was able to learn the industry standard of project planning as well as code design while also taking part in a group project to create a garage system that opens upon licence plate recognition. My part was creating an email system which used files to save and get information.

Skills Used/ Learnt:
- Python
- Industry Standard Project Planning
- Project Phasing
- Code Design
- Team Coordination, work allocation and information exchange

Data Visualization and noSQL & SQL

April 2022 - June 2022

I visualized and analyzed data to draw conclusions for whether level of education had a potential effect on COVID deaths. On top of this, I learnt how to handle big data using NoSQL on MongoDB and completed an independent SQL online course for bonus marks and an official certificate. Additionaly, I briefly touched upon machine learning via the use of WEKA.

Skills Used/Learnt:

- Python Anaconda
- MongoDB
- Tableau

Augmented Reality mobile math game, Unity Playmaker

October 2022 - December 2022

I created an AR maths battle mobile game using Unity Playmaker with the objective of introducing maths mixed with fun to younger audiences in the hope of showing that education can be fun and engaging. Using my fascination with science, I approached this project from a psychological standpoint in an attempt to 'persuade the brain' to hopefully incite natural triggers within us to increase positive reception towards both my app and maths. This project was mainly focused on the art of story telling and how to captivate an audience as well as some cinematography so I had to get fully philosophical. I'm the type of person that think a bit too much about everything so anything I do or anything I make always has a reason behind it.

Skills Used/Learnt:

- Unity Playmaker
- Project Prototyping
- Captivating Storytelling
- Cinematography

Short Horror Film - Cinematography

January 2024 - May 2024

Created a short animated horror film based on a story I made for my friends original character using motion capture suits from Rokoko as well as Face Cap to effectively convey desired feelings of horror within the viewer.

Skills Used/Learnt:

- Unity Cinemachine
- Acting & Voice Acting
- Captivating Storytelling
- Cinematography